Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Power of ConfigFirst

The one thing that wastes the most time during software implementations is coding things that are already supported out of the box.  Through the years I have run across situations where we have asked software users about one of their pain points and we tell them that is an out-of-the-box feature.  They respond with the fact it does not work.  Looking a little deeper we realize that rather than using the out-of-box feature the team, not realizing the feature existed, coded it and their version was buggy.  Simply turning it off and configuring the out-of-box fixed the issues.

This is the power behind ConfigFirst.  Before implementing a feature, your first step should be to ask an expert on the software if this is possible with configuration or minor development or if we need to write a custom feature.

You will be surprised how often you can simply configure it or that there is an existing module to do a good portion of what you want to do.

This blog is all about helping you find the resources to help you answer your prayer:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things that need custom development, the courage to configure the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference.
If you require any assistance determining if something is configuration or custom development, email us your business requirement (as opposed to your description of a piece of functionality) to and we will help you with some ideas on out-of-box vs custom development.

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