Thursday, July 11, 2019

Why should API be First

This is a good questions. Why should I worry about API First? Why should it be a first class citizen in our architecture.  The reason is simple: You need to be able to respond to change quickly and rapidly develop new solutions to fix your problems.  With the other "first" approaches the process is very long because you are always creating custom stuff or having to weave together the APIs at the point of integration and the lack of consistency and versioning can lead to chaos.

We have all been on projects where the solution architecture was created and then someone said oh you need to provide blah data to this other system and oh there is another system that needs this other data often happening later in the project when resources are tight and you have to piece together an API quickly to solve the issue. In the worst case you may even have different people work on different parts of the API. Then when it comes time to work with these other applications that need your data, they look at your API and scratch their head. When do I need to pass the API an auth token and when is it an API Key and when do I pass a json and when do I pass a series of string parameters? Even stranger is when you have one API that is REST and returning XML and the other is JSON based.  I have seen that from the same vendor for the same application. It is scary.

For this reason, sitting down and designing a basic API framework from the start is important. Even if the API initially returns a small amount of data or maybe nothing at all, the basic mechanisms of authentication, how data is passed to the API, how it is returned, how the API is versioned is worked out. Then as you build out the API you add new interfaces or version interfaces that change still supporting the older ones.  This makes people integrating with you very happy.

Now back to the initial reason: "You need to be able to respond to change quickly and rapidly develop new solutions."  By making your API a first class citizen and documenting it well it means that someone building a new solution can quickly look at your documentation and determine which APIs they need to use and once they have used one API they will know how to work with others because of the consistent design.  If they need new functionality, you can extend the API for them without affecting other solutions.

Now this only happens with proper API design. In the next few articles we will describe some of the best practices that will help you do this.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Introducing Firsts for Solutions Architecture

There is a lot of talk about different firsts in the Solutions Architecture. When people say something is xyz First they mean that xyz is a first class citizen when you start the process of designing your architecture. You can only have 1 first class citizen but you can have many second class or third class.

Here are a few of examples of "firsts":
  • Code First - This means you need to start coding first in C# or VB.NET and then EF will create the database from your code
  • Model First - Best described in the article on the Model First Approach "In the Model-First approach, you create the entities, relationships, and inheritance hierarchies directly on the design surface of EDMX and then generate the database from your model."
  • Database First - Best described in this article on the Database First Approach "The Database First Approach creates the entity framework from an existing database. We use all other functionalities, such as the model/database sync and the code generation, in the same way we used them in the Model First approach"
  • Config First - This is the idea that you make your application flexible enough that you can extend it simply through configuration.  Salesforce was the first to introduce this with their No Code premise and it has led to much better solution implementations because you tweak a couple settings and a way you go. 
  • Api First - This is the more modern approach and the one that will be discussed in this series of articles. The first place to start is reading this article on Principles of API First Design as we will be talking about this in the following few blog posts.
I will be adding more "Firsts" to this blog post later but the important thing is it gives you a taste for the different "first" approaches as you may use some of their concepts as "seconds" or "thirds".

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Allowing users to select attachments to add when adding emails to Salesforce via the Outlook integration

Salesforce has a really good plug-in for Microsoft Outlook.  Administrators in Salesforce can set up profiles for users to add emails to Salesforce right from their Outlook.  There is a subtle setting when configuring a profile that you need to be aware of.  By default the "Allow users to select attachments" checkbox is unchecked. This will have a data storage penalty on your account because sometimes users share large files in email such as slide decks or other large documents.

This small configuration is very important to consider.  Do you want users to store all attachments or do you trust your users enough to let them make the decision?

If you have tips, tricks or resources you would like to share please email me at

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Building your sales pipeline

The first step to building your sales pipeline is consolidating all your leads into one place. Depending on the sales software you are using you will either be manually entering your leads or importing them.  In most cases you will be importing them.

Before importing, the first step is cleaning and consolidating them.  The best way to do this is get them all into a single spreadsheet.  A spreadsheet will allow you to sort and filter your leads so you can work with a subset at a time.  You can add an extra column to allow you to determine the quality of your leads: Hot, warm, cool or cold.

At this point you can import your hot leads first and follow up.  Follow that up with your warm leads then work your way into cool and cold.  If necessary.

The important thing is to keep it light.  Don't over do it all at once.  You can refine the process as you go.

If you need help with any of the above, call us at 905-220-8496 or email me at

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Power of ConfigFirst

The one thing that wastes the most time during software implementations is coding things that are already supported out of the box.  Through the years I have run across situations where we have asked software users about one of their pain points and we tell them that is an out-of-the-box feature.  They respond with the fact it does not work.  Looking a little deeper we realize that rather than using the out-of-box feature the team, not realizing the feature existed, coded it and their version was buggy.  Simply turning it off and configuring the out-of-box fixed the issues.

This is the power behind ConfigFirst.  Before implementing a feature, your first step should be to ask an expert on the software if this is possible with configuration or minor development or if we need to write a custom feature.

You will be surprised how often you can simply configure it or that there is an existing module to do a good portion of what you want to do.

This blog is all about helping you find the resources to help you answer your prayer:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things that need custom development, the courage to configure the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference.
If you require any assistance determining if something is configuration or custom development, email us your business requirement (as opposed to your description of a piece of functionality) to and we will help you with some ideas on out-of-box vs custom development.