The first step to building your sales pipeline is consolidating all your leads into one place. Depending on the sales software you are using you will either be manually entering your leads or importing them. In most cases you will be importing them.
Before importing, the first step is cleaning and consolidating them. The best way to do this is get them all into a single spreadsheet. A spreadsheet will allow you to sort and filter your leads so you can work with a subset at a time. You can add an extra column to allow you to determine the quality of your leads: Hot, warm, cool or cold.
At this point you can import your hot leads first and follow up. Follow that up with your warm leads then work your way into cool and cold. If necessary.
The important thing is to keep it light. Don't over do it all at once. You can refine the process as you go.
If you need help with any of the above, call us at 905-220-8496 or email me at